Learning Center

Lawn Care: How to Determine Proper Cutting Height

Lawn Care: How to Determine Proper Lawn Cutting Height

Factoring in Grass Type, Season & Growing Conditions

There are several factors to consider when trying to determine the right cutting height of your grass: type, season, and conditions. By following these guidelines, you could enjoy a healthier, low-maintenance, drought-tolerant lawn. Read more

Clover in Your Lawn: Is it Lucky or Not?

Clover in Your Lawn: Is it Lucky or Not?

How to Know When to Treat this Weed

Looking out across your lawn you may notice bunches of white flowers with bees buzzing around. Get closer and you'll see the three leaves of the clover plant. While some may think clover in your lawn is an outbreak of weeds, this stubborn plant can also be beneficial. Read more

Pest Spotlight: Grub Control

Pest Spotlight: Grub Control

Identifying and Treating Grubs

Notice Japanese beetles and dead patches of grass around your lawn? This could be an indication that you need to start looking into grub control. Read more

How to Control Summer Weeds

Lawn Care: How to Control Summer Weeds

Identifying, Treating & Preventing Weeds this Season

While maintaining a healthy lawn is your best defense against weeds, it's not easy in the dry summer months. There are still ways to help control summer weeds from taking over so you can enjoy your backyard BBQs. Read more