Learning Center

Weed Management: Are Pesticides Safe

Weed Management: Are Pesticides Safe

Knowing How to Protect Yourself and the Environment

Are pesticides safe? They can be when used in the proper way. Learn what steps to take to safely rid your home and garden of pests and weeds. Read more

Weed Management: Oxalis Control

Weed Management: Oxalis Control

How to Identify, Treat & Prevent Oxalis

It covers the ground like miniature clover with little yellow flowers. It's a persistent plant that can be very difficult to treat. It's oxalis, and here's how to try to control it. Read more

Pest Spotlight: Mosquito Control

Pest Spotlight: Mosquito Control

Controlling the Pest Population in Your Area

Mosquito control can come in many forms, from what you wear to how you keep your home. Keeping mosquitoes away can not only help you enjoy a season without bug bites, but it can also help protect you from contracting the diseases mosquitoes carry. Read more

When to Water Your Lawn

When to Water Your Lawn

The Proper Way to Quench its Thirst

Knowing when to water your lawn is just as important as providing the water it may desperately need. Read more