Identifying Winter Lawn Pests

And Preventing Them Before They’re a Problem

While the weather outside is starting to get frightful for many living things, the soil is quite delightful. Learn how to identify winter lawn pests that could be burrowing below the surface.

Identify Winter Lawn Pests

Under the right conditions, many lawn pests could be spending the winter tucked nice and cozy under the soil in your yard. Some of these insects and other rodents may not be active yet, but they’re certainly waiting till the weather warms to wreak havoc on your grass roots. Here are a few offenders:

  • Grubs. Plump, white grubs nestle under the surface of the soil and feed on grass and thatch. While the signs of grubs may not become apparent until spring, you’ll notice brown patches of wilting grass and increased bird activity in your lawn. While your lawn can handle a few grubs, a larger infestation requires treatment. The best way to help prevent grubs from surviving the winter is to treat your grass in the late summer or early fall.
  • Cutworms. Like its name implies, these worms cut grass while feeding and leave their mark near the soil surface. If you notice areas of wilted grass, apply insecticide while they’re active. Check your lawn for any wet areas and improve irrigation to discourage these pests from laying eggs.
  • Voles. These burrowing rodents create small holes in your lawn that lead to runways along the surface of your soil. This damages grass closer to the crown. A well-maintained yard with trimmed grass and less weeds is not as attractive to these pests. However, if you find yourself with an infestation, use traps or call a pest control company.
  • Mice. Other rodents who prefer to hide out in wood piles, sheds, and more secluded grassy areas will chew on grass and burrow in the yard to find warmth. Keep your yard clear of debris and be sure to seal any entry points to your shed, garage, or home. If you find droppings or see other signs, use baits and traps to help control the population.

While most of these pests may stay outside, some have the potential of seeking shelter indoors. By doing your part to make your yard less desirable for all pests, you have a better chance of stopping an infestation before it breaks the perimeter of your home.

Professional Pest Control

If any infestation becomes too much to handle, call a pro for help. Contact Cardinal Lawns for a lawn care consultation. We can help implement a prevention strategy that offers you a healthy yard that pests are more likely to pass by.

Lawn Pest Guide

Download Your FREE Lawn Pest Guide

Pests become most prevalent during the heat and humidity of summer. Take some time to learn about the signs of infestations before any damage can be caused to your landscape. This handy guide will teach you how to spot common lawn pests and how to keep them from causing harm to you and your property.