Stopping Squirrels

From the Ground Up

With the weather getting colder, many creatures are busy preparing to survive the season. Depending on the creature, this may mean trouble for your yard and home. If you see squirrels running around, they could be foraging for food and trying to find a warm shelter. There are ways to help ensure the food isn’t found in your garden and the shelter isn’t somewhere in your home. Squirrel prevention starts with proper identification and may end with professional removal.

Ground Squirrels vs. Tree Squirrels

There are two different types of squirrels that homeowners need to watch for. Both can do damage in and around your home.

Ground squirrels do more damage to the lawn as they build underground burrows and eat your grass and plants. They’re not shy and will strike fruit trees, shrubs, and veggie vines during the day. Their burrows not only uproot plants, but if you’re unlucky enough to have a colony of squirrels inhabit your yard, they can interconnect their tunnels and wreak havoc on pristine lawns, destroy underground irrigation, and weaken foundations.

Tree squirrels live in trunk cavities or build nests like birds. However, when it gets too cold, they may look for warmer cavities, most likely found in your attic or shed. If they found an opening, chances are other pests will too.

The easiest way to tell the two apart is to see where they run. Ground squirrels dart across the yard to a nearby burrow. Tree squirrels will scurry up a tree or other tall structure. If you can get a good look at them, you’ll notice ground squirrels have markings around their eyes and down their backs. Tree squirrels have no markings, but they have a bushier tail to help them stay balanced.

Squirrel Prevention and Removal

Once you’ve determined what type of squirrel you’re dealing with, you can better save your yard and protect your home. You can help stop ground squirrels by fencing your garden, but it will have to be buried a few feet deep and stand a few feet high to keep them from gaining access above or below ground.

Make sure no creatures gain access to your attic by sealing off any openings around vents, eaves, and chimneys. If they do make it in, the best way to get them out is to call a professional pest company. Some areas have laws when it comes to catching and releasing these types of pests. A pro will also know the most effective method of trapping a squirrely squirrel.

Contact Cardinal Lawns for more information on preventing pests of any kind from damaging your yard and home. Take steps now to help keep your property pest-free through any season.

Lawn Pest Guide

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Pests become most prevalent during the heat and humidity of summer. Take some time to learn about the signs of infestations before any damage can be caused to your landscape. This handy guide will teach you how to spot common lawn pests and how to keep them from causing harm to you and your property.