Grassy Weed Control

Prevention Methods & Helpful Products


See that green lawn? Look a little closer. Some of those blades may not be what they’re supposed to be. Some grassy weeds disguise themselves to look like the tall, thin blades of grass you hope your lawn is lush with. However, soon they’ll become noticeable in taller, lusher clumps that are harder to get rid of than broadleaf weeds. Never fear. Here are some grassy weed control methods to try.

What are Grassy Weeds

It’s hard to keep a grassy weed away. Especially if your lawn is already stressed. Those bare, sunburnt areas are just begging for grassy weeds to grow and shelter the dry, cracked soil. Some of the more common grassy weeds include:

  • Crabgrass
  • Foxtail
  • Barnyardgrass

The good news, they only live for one growing season. They sprout in spring, flower in summer, and spread more seeds to resprout next season before disappearing in the winter.

The bad news, they grow quickly and return if not treated properly. Each weed produces thousands of seeds that overwinter and resprout in the spring if conditions are the same.

Natural Grassy Weed Control

So, what can you do to change these conditions? Take care of your lawn. It may sound simple, but there are many steps to making weeds feel unwelcome.

  1. Mow High. Long grass blades help shade the soil and don’t leave much room for weed seeds to germinate. Mowing too low scalps your lawn, stressing it out, and leaving it prone to weeds filling in the gaps.
  2. Repair Bare Spots. If you’ve recently rid an area of weeds, it will leave an open area for more to grow back if you don’t patch it with grass seed.
  3. Fertilize. Feed your lawn in the spring and fall when the ground isn’t frozen and the nutrients can reach the roots.
  4. Water. Heat and drought parch the grass, leaving it prone to damage that weeds will try to fix. Water deeply to help encourage deeper roots.

Sometimes you can do all of the above, but other factors, such as high traffic, pets, lawn furniture, and pests, can also damage your lawn. Pay attention to what may be affecting your grass and help to correct the problem before weeds become a bigger issue.

Chemical Weed Control

If you’ve had weed problems before, and you want to be proactive about preventing them, there are products to help. Apply a pre-emergent herbicide early in the spring before any signs of weeds appear. Once they appear, you’ll have to opt for a post-emergent product. Pick the product based on the type of weed and the size of the area you want to treat. Spot treating only requires a small spray bottle, while covering larger areas may require a concentrated formula or spreading granules throughout your lawn.

Whatever method of weed control you try, if it still doesn’t solve the problem, contact a professional weed control company for another solution. Contact Cardinal Lawns to evaluate your weed seed situation and help you get your yard back to where you want it.

Lawn Weed Guide

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Before weeds take over your yard this season, learn to identify and prevent them in the first place. Keep your lawn looking great all year!