Spring Lawn Care

Tips for Prepping Your Yard for Spring


After the snow melts, the temperature rises, and the first buds begin to appear, you know it’s time for some spring lawn care. Get ready for mowing and growing season with the following tips.

Spring Lawn Care Prep

As the grass starts getting greener, it’s also going to get longer. Make sure your mower is ready for action.

  1. Sharpen blades once a month during mowing season to ensure clean cuts. Dull mower blades tear the grass, leaving jagged edges that discolor the lawn and invite disease.
  2. Make sure your mower is in working order with a new spark plug and air filter. You may not need a spark plug every season, but changing it is easy, and doing it regularly ensures you won’t forget.
  3. Fill up on gas. Gas that’s been left to sit over the winter can accumulate moisture, especially fuel with ethanol. This can cause harm to small engines. Fill the tank with fresh, regular grades of gasoline.

Prepping Your Lawn

Now that any snow has cleared you can clearly see how much work your yard may need. Clean up any twigs and leaves that have accumulated before it smothers the lawn.

  1. When the soil is still damp, aerate your lawn. This process punches small holes in the ground so water, fertilizer, and oxygen reach grass roots.
  2. The spring is a good time to fertilize your lawn. Apply fertilizer per product directions just as your grass begins its most active growth.
  3. Apply a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent crabgrass and other weeds from taking root in your lawn. When soil temperature reaches 58 degrees—the temperature at which crabgrass begins to germinate—it’s time to apply the herbicide. You can use a soil thermometer to gauge proper temperature.

For more spring lawn care tips, contact Cardinal Lawns. As lawn care specialists, your latest lawn and garden questions are ready to be answered.

Fall Recovery Guide

Download Your FREE Fall Recovery Guide

Summer’s extreme conditions can take a toll on your grass and its health. Take some time to learn how to bring your lawn back to life. This handy guide teaches you what needs to be done for a full fall recovery.