Pest Spotlight: Mosquito Control

Controlling the Pest Population in Your Area

Warm weather, summer rain, exposed skin, all things mosquitoes live for. Mosquito control can come in many forms, from what you wear to how you keep your home. Keeping mosquitoes away can not only help you enjoy a season without bug bites, but it can also help protect you from contracting the diseases mosquitoes carry.

Mosquito Control Around the Home

You can help prevent mosquitoes from gathering in and around your home by following a few simple steps:

  • Remove standing water. Mosquitoes need water to breed and lay eggs. They can do so in the standing water in your gutters, buckets, plastic covers, and anywhere else rain can collect. Empty and change any water from small fountains, pools, and potted plants at least once a week to help eliminate mosquito habitats. Keep water circulating in larger pools and fountains to deter the bugs from landing there.
  • Install and maintain screens for windows and doors. You don’t only have to worry about being bit outdoors. If they can find a way inside, mosquitoes will be happy to feast on families while they relax on the couch or in their sleep. Patch any holes in the screens and make sure the openings aren’t big enough for bugs to get through.
  • Use netting. Cover baby carriers, beds, and any other open area with mosquito netting to help prevent them from getting to those who may not be able to brush them off as easily.

Controlling Mosquito Habitats

Sometimes removing standing water is not enough or easy to do. If a community is more prone to a large mosquito population, it may be a good idea to spray the area or apply larvicide treatment to the potential habitats. Killing the larvae in their breeding habitat before they mature into adults and disperse helps to reduce the bug population in the area. It’s best to consult an expert and your community leaders before treating certain areas with any sort of insecticide. Contact Cardinal Lawns at 614-808-4446 with any questions on treating an area near you to help control the mosquito population.

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Pests become most prevalent during the heat and humidity of summer. Take some time to learn about the signs of infestations before any damage can be caused to your landscape. This handy guide will teach you how to spot common lawn pests and how to keep them from causing harm to you and your property.