Growing a Drought Tolerant Garden

No Precipitation, No Problem

After an extremely dry summer, fall, and winter, are you hoping for some hydration this spring? Do you have a plan B? It may be time to consider planting a more drought tolerant garden. Not only will your plants be happier, but your water bill won’t be as high and you can still enjoy a lush(ish) garden.

What’s a Drought Tolerant Garden

It’s pretty self-explanatory. You choose plants that can tolerate more sun and less water. There are more varieties than succulents and cacti. There are perennials, annuals, trees, and shrubs to choose from. Many herbs are also drought tolerant, giving you an edible option. Here are some other varieties to look into for the greater Ohio area:

  • Artemisia
  • Beardtongue
  • Bee Balm
  • Black-eyed Susan
  • Blue False Indigo
  • Butterfly Weed
  • Lavender
  • Trumpet Vine

The main trick is to choose native plants in your area. This way you can be sure they’re not fighting the environment on top of a lack of water. In general, native plants will do better in your garden whether they’re drought-tolerant or not.

Some Care Still Required

Another thing to remember is that even though the plants may be drought tolerant, they still require some attention. Most plants reach their full potential only when they become established in the soil. This means they need enough water and nutrients to get them started.

If you choose a perennial plant, you can enjoy a low maintenance gardening experience year after year. If you find something didn’t work as well in your garden, the issue may be more than just a lack of water. Here are some other issues and tips:

  1. Check the soil to measure whether it could use more nutrients and then add fertilizer or compost accordingly.
  2. Compacted soil could be affecting drainage in the area. Make sure any water is able to reach the roots and not puddle or run off completely.
  3. Keep in mind the amount of light an area gets. Some plants require more sun than others.
  4. Look for any signs of pests or disease that could be attacking your garden.

For help with diagnosing plant problems or planning a garden that’s more tolerant to the dry weather, contact the experts at Cardinal Lawns today. You don’t need to resort to a rock garden to enjoy a low-maintenance, high-tolerant natural space.

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