How to Control Summer Weeds

Identifying and Treating Weeds this Season

weed benefits

Summertime, and the weeds are plentiful. Now that you’re spending more time out in the yard, you may start to notice all the weeds around your garden and lawn. If you haven’t spent the time to prep your yard in spring, you could see more weeds pop up if not enough attention is paid. From identifying to treating, here’s how to control summer weeds.

How to Identify Summer Weeds

Some weeds are easy to spot, especially if they produce a colored flower. Others green, grass-like weeds are harder to notice up close. Here’s how to identify some common weeds.

Grassy weeds. Smooth crabgrass and yellow nutsedge are some of the more grass-like weeds that could be harder to identify. The best way to prevent these weeds is to properly aerate, water, and fertilize your lawn. A healthy yard is more likely to be a weed-free one.

Prostrate spurge. A milky white sap appears when the stem is broken.

Broadleaf weeds. Knotweed spurge, dandelion, ground ivy, and white clover have more noticeable characteristics, such as larger leaves and flowers, that give itself away. This makes it easier to spot treat these weeds.

How to Control Summer Weeds

In addition to a healthy water and fertilizer schedule, there are other ways of controlling summer weeds. Pull the ones you can easily see by hand. For the more grassy weeds, herbicides may be your best solution.

For weeds that have already established in your yard, use post-emergent weed control. There are selective herbicides that are formulated to treat certain broadleaf weeds, and non-selective herbicides that are great for grassy weeds. No matter what formula you use, be sure to follow specific label instructions to target the type of weeds you’re dealing with.

For more specific tips on controlling the weeds in your lawn this summer, contact Cardinal Lawns today.

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