How to Prevent Crabgrass

Ways to Kill the Weed & Save Your Lawn

Removing crabgrass

Crabgrass is an annual weed (it should only last one year), but it acts like a perennial (it comes back every year). Its indeterminate growth pattern makes trying to prevent crabgrass difficult because it keeps growing all season, spring through fall. Mowing won’t slow or stop it. It keeps producing seeds until you or the cold weather kills it. However, the seeds it produces won’t germinate till the following season. So, the longer you wait to kill crabgrass, the bigger your problem will be next year. If you don’t take preventative steps during the growing season, spend the winter planning for an early attack.

Process to Prevent Crabgrass

Once crabgrass has a hold of your yard, there are ways you can gain the upper hand:

1. Stop crabgrass seeds from spreading. In warmer months, use a lawn rake to disturb the crabgrass, then mow the lawn as soon as possible using a grass catcher—you don’t want the seeds to stay in the lawn.

2. Kill existing crabgrass. This will depend on where it’s growing. There are many herbicides on the market to kill the weeds, but some may also kill the grass you want to keep. Great care needs to be taken when using these chemical killers.

3. Remove dead crabgrass plants. The dead plants can smother nearby grass and suppress the growth of other plants, so they need to be removed once dead.

4. Plant grass seed to fill in bare spots. Exposed soil can attract weed seed, so open areas should be replanted or covered with mulch. The best time for reseeding is early fall so that the new grass can get established before winter.

5. Prevent future germination. Apply a preemergent, a product that inhibits crabgrass seedlings from growing. These can be found in both chemical and more natural form. The timing of application is important and depends on your current situation.

Best Preventative Maintenance Practices

By keeping your lawn healthy, you’ll be helping to prevent crabgrass from growing. Build a resistant lawn by following some of these practices:

  • Don’t mow too low. Tall grass shades the soil, making it less hospitable for weed seeds to develop.
  • Keep fertilizing and watering to a minimum. Weeds love water and moist soil.
  • Contact a lawn service company for more tips about how to combat crabgrass in your particular situation.

The experts at Cardinal Lawns can help you determine the best way to protect your lawn. Call them at 614-808-4446 today.

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