Marsh marigold (caltha palustris), also known as Kingcup or Mayflower, is a part of the Ranunculaceae family. While not traditionally considered a weed, this annual flowering herb is poisonous and spreads quickly, which can make lawn care and gardening dangerous
Recognizable by their bright yellow flowers and yellow pollen, Marsh Marigolds have five petals with fan-shaped leaves that are slightly folded.
Marsh Marigold usually grows in clay-like garden soils. Once it begins to grow in this soil it is challenging to eradicate because its root can survive harsh weather conditions and spreads rapidly. Though sometimes seen as an attractive plant, Marsh Marigold is actually a mild poison. Take great care when handling or making contact with this herb as it has been known to cause skin rashes.
Marsh Marigold Prevention
The best way to prevent marsh marigold is to avoid overwatering. Marsh marigold thrives in wet areas. It’s also important to aerate your soil, because the plant grows well when water doesn’t drain. Marsh Marigold tends to grow naturally around swamps because of its need for water. Keeping your soil loose and dry will prevent the plant from living in your yard.
If Marsh Marigold has already taken over your yard, removal needs to be carefully completed and the same prevention methods above need to be initiated, because in the right environments every part of the root survives and regrows. Call Cardinal Lawns today to learn more about our treatment options and to get your Marsh Marigold problem under control.
Need Help with Marsh Marigold?
Call Cardinal Lawns today at 614-808-4446 and let's talk about how we can help treat for Marsh Marigold and other common Ohio lawn weeds.
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