Protecting Your Lawn From Pests

The Fight Continues Through Fall


Just because the days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder, doesn’t mean pests are disappearing. Right now they’re probably looking for a place to ride out the winter. Will it be in your yard? Ramp up your lawn pest protection methods during the fall to help save time and hassle come spring.

Lawn Pest Protection

This season is a busy one for pests. You may have kept them contained over the summer, but now they know winter is coming and they’re looking to prepare. This means you need to be ready too. If you properly protect your lawn now, you’ll have less to worry about in the spring.

Mow the lawn. That’s right, it’s not time to quit just yet. Keeping the grass cut and weeds managed gives pests fewer places to feed and hide. Mow until the lawn no longer grows. Rake up any dead grass, clippings, or debris. Make sure bushes are trim as well. The more things are in order, the fewer pests have to work with.

Grub control. If you notice brown spots in your yard or even more birds than before, check the grass for grubs. These pests not only feed on roots—killing your grass—but they grow up to be hungry beetles that will do even more damage when the weather warms.

Easy on the water. Too much moisture often attracts thirsty pests and diseases. The morning dew should provide the ground with enough water this time of year. If you notice persistent puddling or wet spots, reevaluate your drainage options.

Professional Pest Control

Lawn maintenance may slow down once the ground freezes, but it’s never completely over. If you’ve followed these tips and still find you have to deal with certain pests, contact Cardinal Lawns. We can help diagnose the issue and get your yard back in shape in time for spring.

Lawn Pest Guide

Download Your FREE Lawn Pest Guide

Pests become most prevalent during the heat and humidity of summer. Take some time to learn about the signs of infestations before any damage can be caused to your landscape. This handy guide will teach you how to spot common lawn pests and how to keep them from causing harm to you and your property.