Fertilizing in the Winter
Ways to Help Strengthen Your Lawn for the Season
January 23, 2020
Many think that since it’s winter and the grass isn’t actively growing that work is done till spring. However, there are ways to help ensure a healthy yard once it wakes up. Fertilizing in the winter is one of these ways.
Fertilizing in the Winter
Even in the areas that get blasted with harsh winters, there are ways to strengthen your lawn. Give cool-season grasses a good dose of fertilizer in the late fall or early winter. It’s best to lay it down before the first freeze. This way nutrients lost during the hot summer months will be replenished, and fertilizer will remain in the soil to feed the grass roots during the winter months—even underneath the snow.
Other Winter Lawn Tips
In addition to fertilizing, there are other ways to help your grass survive the winter.
- Proper mowing. As it gets closer to fall, gradually lower the mower blades to cut the grass shorter. Tall grass is the perfect place for rodents to keep warm in the cold and even travel through your yard toward the shelter of your house.
- Clear the lawn. Pick up any loose garden or yard items that could smother and potentially kill the grass if left there all winter. Also, rake any additional leaves, branches, or debris that falls off throughout the season.
- Keep off the grass. Even though it may look like it’s already dead and no harm can be done, a well-worn path through the lawn will only make it harder for the grass to bounce back in the spring.
Miss the Deadline?
If you didn’t get to fertilize or mow before the first frost, you can still limit lawn debris and traffic throughout the winter. Once spring comes around, you can get back to your regular daily maintenance and try to troubleshoot any issues that developed over the winter. Contact Cardinal Lawns for more help with preparing your lawn to be the best it can be.

Download Your FREE Fall Recovery Guide
Summer’s extreme conditions can take a toll on your grass and its health. Take some time to learn how to bring your lawn back to life. This handy guide teaches you what needs to be done for a full fall recovery.