For Serious Mosquito Control, Treat Your Lawn Now


Ensure a bite-free summer by treating your lawn with mosquito repellent. By planning ahead and spraying the grass properly, you can guarantee mosquito control and have more fun outside.

Sprays and Mists: DIY Mosquito Control

Buy a jug of lawn insecticidal spray for around $30 from your local garden store. You can apply this formula to the lawn, shrubs, and man-made structures. Treat all decks, siding and patio spaces. A mosquito misting system is also worth a shot. With it, you can deliver a steady stream of insecticide around your property. That way, the bugs never even have a chance to take over. Sprays and mists work for up to a few weeks at a time. Set a reminder in your calendar to reapply every two to three weeks.

For Lasting Mosquito Control, Call in the Big Guns

If you don’t feel comfortable handling chemicals, have a big property, or just want more serious, lasting protection against mosquitoes, call in a professional lawn care service. At Cardinal Lawns, we can treat a ½ acre lot with a repellent that will last for an entire summer. We use top-grade insecticides and equipment that’s suited to fogging large areas. Thus, we are able to knock out any bug problem faster than you could. (No offense.) Also, have a backyard wedding in your future? A one-time professional treatment is a smart solution if you’re planning a reception or other important outdoor event.

If You Forgot to Treat Your Lawn

Better luck next year! You can still use quick fixes to keep existing mosquitoes from biting. Plug in a big fan or two on your deck. Mosquitoes are notoriously poor flyers. They can’t fight a breeze. Apply insect repellent to exposed skin. Create a seance-like atmosphere around your outdoor hangout with citronella torches and candles – mosquitoes hate the smell.

You also can take steps to discourage these tiny monsters from breeding in your backyard. Turn over and empty any containers filled with standing water. This includes birdbaths, outdoor toys, garbage can lids, wheelbarrows, tires, and baby pools. Mosquitoes like to lay their eggs on the surface of water. They only need a miniscule amount to create armies of swarming babies. Also, mosquitoes love dark and shady hangouts. Clear away ivy, debris, and piles of decaying leaves.

Itching for more help with mosquito control? Call us!

Your friendly neighborhood lawn-care professionals at Cardinal Lawn are here to help you get rid of pests fast. Contact us today at 614-808-4446.

Lawn Pest Guide

Download Your FREE Lawn Pest Guide

Pests become most prevalent during the heat and humidity of summer. Take some time to learn about the signs of infestations before any damage can be caused to your landscape. This handy guide will teach you how to spot common lawn pests and how to keep them from causing harm to you and your property.